Heritage Trees
What People
Are Saying...
“Edith self-initiated the design and presentation of her talks on heritage trees protection and their value in telling Ontario’s human history.” - Ontario Urban Forest Council - dated September 22, 2011
“The event’s attendees were inspired by her enthusiasm and desire to promote the value of heritage tree recognition.” - Dundas Valley Tree Keepers - dated July 4, 2011
“if your organization is seeking a guest speaker who speaks with passion and confidence and is well informed on her topic, you may wish to consider Edith’s presentation on Heritage Trees.” -
Rotary Club of Milton - dated April 15, 2016
“Kudos to Edith!” - Swansea Area Ratepayers’ Association - dated September 17, 2015
“I would highly recommend Edith as a guest speaker and I hope she continues on with her great work to preserve trees as part of our heritage and culture.” - Land O Lakes Garden Club -
dated May 20, 2014
“Forestry students, who learn about so many aspects of trees, would particularly benefit from this viewpoint.” - LEAF - dated February 10, 2015
“The value to us as Master Gardeners was the specifics that she went into regarding the care and maintenance of these trees over extended periods of time.” - Master Gardeners of Niagara -
dated April 9, 2015
“Her enthusiasm for heritage trees is contagious and she’ll leave your members with plenty of food for thought!” - Almonte & District Horticultural Society - dated November 25, 2014
“Edith’s well researched, informative and perfectly paced talk and PowerPoint presentation kept us all enthralled for the duration.” - Bracebridge Horticultural Society - April 27, 2016
“We highly recommend her as a speaker and know that whatever she endeavours in the future she will do so with great success.” - Gilford & District Horticultural Society - May 15, 2015
“We felt ourselves very lucky to have had such a great speaker.” - Kincardine and District Horticultural Society - May 6, 2015
“…. Edith took us through a spell-binding history lesson, simultaneously illustrating the six degrees of separation theory.” - Norland Horticultural Society - June 22, 2016
“It made our members think about all the trees here in Parry Sound, and what history surround them.” - Parry Sound & District Horticultural Society - dated June 1, 2016
“This was the second time I had heard it (the presentation) and I was even more moved this time.” - Roselands Horticultural Society - dated January 30, 2013
“Her passion for her topic was such that the room was perfectly still with all ears listening.” - Manitoulin Nature Club and NTOM - June 23, 2016
“Edith George came to us with an excellent presentation that was both informative and stimulating.” - Friends of Centennial Park Conservatory - dated June 27, 2012
“Even if we save one tree, that tree gives more to us than we have given to it.” - Community History Project - dated May 30, 2011
“The interactive nature of your presentation engaged the students and helped reinforce the need to be responsible about preserving our natural history and the trees which represent it.” -
Georgetown District High School - dated January 9, 2015
“She was awesome!!!” - Syme 55+ Centre - dated January 15, 2013
“She offered great information on heritage trees in the Toronto area.” - Delmanor - Glen Abbey - dated December 17, 2012
“Edith was such a fantastic presenter.” - Delmanor - Elgin Mills - dated July 11, 2012
“…presentation gave insight into the importance of understanding our roots and protecting heritage trees.” - Canterbury Place Retirement Residence - dated June 28, 2013
“Any project Edith has undertaken, has been completed efficiently and thoroughly and as a result has been a success.” - Weston Historical Society - May 9, 2011
“Edith’s is an engaging presentation which takes the audience in some unexpected directions but which communicated the main message in a very effective manner.” - Caledon Heritage Foundation -
dated November 18, 2012
“Our large audience of members and visitors that evening were captivated by your knowledge, expertise, love and style of presenting …” - East York Historical Society - dated January 29, 2013
“Due to the devasting tornado that hit Goderich and area on August 21, 2011, our loss of trees has been most significant. She handled the situation with caring and sensitivity and has helped to create a positive momentum for our extended community.” - Huron County Historical Society - dated November 22, 2011
“.. a lively talk on our history as seen through the long lives of trees, and why we should respect them.” - King Township Historical - dated March 2011
“I believe that Edith is in the forefront of what is needed in the struggle to maintain our natural resources.” - The Richmond Hill Historical Society - dated March 21, 2012
“…, I received an email from one of our members after your presentation stating “The speaker was incredible - I didn’t know that I could get teary over a tree!!” - The PROBUS Club of Etobicoke -
dated April 17, 2015
“Your passion for this important aspect to our Canadian history and heritage is evident in your address and we wish you well in your continued dedication to this subject.” - Men’s PROBUS Club
of Grand Bend and Area - September 2016
“If your organization is seeking a guest speaker who speaks with passion and confidence and is well informed on her topic, you may wish to consider Edith’s presentation on Heritage Trees.” -
The Rotary Club of London - April 2016
“I thought the way you wove the history of specific trees with the stories of local families and their properties was wonderful.” - Weston Lions Club - January 19, 2014
“Her support has helped our school get a tree nursery.” - Cummer Valley M.S. - dated February 6, 2012
“Edith involved students in the presentation and made it real for them …” - Annette Street Public Library, Toronto, Ontario - dated November 17, 2011
“One student even said that it was the best presentation of the year.” - Cummer Valley Middle School - dated April 13, 2011
“The presentation brought together history, social science and art in an engaging presentation which utilized student participation.” - Malvern Collegiate - March 5, 2012
“It is very important for our future generations to know and understand the importance of preserving our “natural roots.” - The Canadian Federation of University Women, Milton and District -
dated May 2016
“The members of our Federation found the information shared by Ms.George, to be of great interest, spurring us on to find out more about trees in our own area that have or could be designated as Heritage.”
- Canadian Federation of University Women, Cambridge - dated May 7, 2012
“She was a welcome addition to our list of speakers for the season.” - Learning Unlimited (Oxford) - dated April 3, 2016
“Your enthusiasm and knowledge, gained through hands-on experience, always present a refreshing view of what can be done.” - ACER - dated June 10, 2013
“It’s entertaining and truly informative. Our participants have learned some Canadian history in a very creative way.” - North York Community House - June 23, 2011
“From a military perspective, I was extremely impressed at her ability to connect these ancient trees with our deep military history in Ontario and very much enjoyed her presentation.” -
Brigadier-General Omer Lavoie - Director General Defence Force Planning - dated August 29, 2014